
Kalimat Motivasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Kalimat Motivasi dalam Bahasa Inggris

berikut ini merupakan "Kalimat Motivasi dalam Bahasa Inggris" semoga ini dapat memotivasi hidup anda,

In our passion to speak the truth, let's not forget our manners. We are Muslims and know that good manners are essentials.

Please, Stop labeling the whole Jewish community as laknatullah. There are many good Jews out there. Likewise not all Muslims are terrorists

The government of Israel are a bunch of cold-blooded remorseless baby killers.

If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.

I would not dare to die because of u, coz I have God, and only God I would die for

I will give u many chance, and still will give u chance even when u make me sad

when I succeed, when my friends are strifing for success. I will look back, who had help me before, and I am willingly helping them

half year has passed since I know u, and I know, u r the one for me

When our eyes met in between candle light, I would tell u how much I love you, and I want a special place from u

You'll keep covering your tracks, she'll keep believing. Because she wants to, because she needs to. - Safe House

See, what happens is, you try to protect her with lies, and then it starts to add up. - Safe House

You can't expect to have a real relationship in our line of work - Safe House

Why is it I miss someone I was never really with? And why do I love someone whose love was never really mine?

How do I say goodbye to someone I never really had? Why do my tears fall so endlessly for someone who was never really mine?


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